
This tutorial was recorded from my CUNY Introduction to Computation and Fabrication class.
Average: 5 (2 votes)
By: Zach Downey
In this tutorial, we modify a couple of lines from the 
Average: 4.6 (13 votes)
By: Zach Downey
In this tutorial we will be taking a look at a simple growth algorithm.
Average: 4.7 (12 votes)
By: Zach Downey
In this tutorial, we read through a csv text file and create new points in 
Average: 4.9 (10 votes)
By: Zach Downey
In this tutorial we cover another Recursion example.
Average: 5 (14 votes)
By: Zach Downey
In this tutorial we look at how to export a set of points to the CSV file format so that we can view the data in Excel.
Average: 5 (13 votes)
By: Zach Downey
In this tutorial we take a look at Recursion through a couple of simple examples.
Average: 4.8 (11 votes)
By: Zach Downey
In this tutorial we take a look at vectors and how to create simple object transformations using them.
Average: 5 (7 votes)
By: Zach Downey
We take a quick step back in this tutorial to cover a couple of basic string and list methods.
Average: 5 (14 votes)
By: Zach Downey
We continue to explore the Random number class by creating a list out of out points and then creating curves through them.
Average: 4.9 (10 votes)
By: Zach Downey
In this tutorial we introduce python's Random() number class to generate 
Average: 4.9 (10 votes)
By: Zach Downey
In this tutorial we look at control flow a little more.
Average: 4.9 (14 votes)
By: Zach Downey


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