Episode 011 - Patrick Delorey
A special episode today. Brian was in San Fransisco and dropped by Autodesk's Pier 9 to talk with our good buddy Patrick Delorey. Everything you've ever wondered about digital fabrication and cnc machines is discussed. Along with, Instructables, Fraggle Rock, Maritime law, 3d Printing, CAM, and David Foster Wallace.
***Check out Patrick's New Website here: www.patrickdelorey.com
Show Notes
Patrick Delorey is Brooklyn-based a designer/fabricator - check out his website here
Pier 9 (often referred to as “The Pier” or simply “P9”) is Autodesk’s cutting edge fabrication and research facility on the San Francisco waterfront
Brian often confuses Pier 9 with Pier 1, which is something else entirely
To help abate this confusion, Brian now calls it “#1 Pier 9.” This way he still gets the satisfaction of saying both numbers
The Pier 9 Artists in Residence (AiR) program gives artists, designers, and a motley crew of other makers the chance to work in the Pier 9 facilities with free access to all Autodesk software and one of the badassiest (badest ass?) fabrication facilities outside of an actual factory
The application process to become an AiR involves proposing and publishing an Instructable. Interested? Apply here
One of the more disturbing Instructables trends is people casting metal in their own backyards
“Back Yard Forge” is the name of Brian’s Tennessee-based folk band
“Clump of Creativity” is Patrick’s band
Brian and Patrick (and Zach) taught together at CUNY in the Department of Architectural Technology
Patrick worked as a designer with SITU Studio on their Brooklyn Museum installation, fabricated a lot of white stuff with Snarkitecture and Daniel Arsham, and co-taught at the New Skins Workshop Series around the world with designer/artist Francis Bitonti
Autodesk Spark is an open and free 3D printing platform
Autodesk Research and Autodesk Labs are under the umbrella of the Office of the CTO (“OCTO”) whose top-secret robotics research facility is housed at Pier 9
aaaaahhh ssssshhh push it. NOW PUSH IT REAL GOOD
Most browsers don’t require you to type in http, but you might need www
“Applications for QR Codes” is Brian's “Death Cab for Cutie” cover band
Brian’s unique ability to interrupt his guests is almost O’Reilly-esque
Due to its acquisition by Autodesk after it had been established as a Rhino plug-in, T-Splines is the only case of Autodesk software running inside of Rhino
Maritime law, or admiralty law, is a body of law governing maritime issues distinct from the laws of individual nations
Within Enhance is an app that optimizes weight and volume-to-performance ratio through lattice space structures that can be selectively thickened or thinned via FEA
This is similar to netfabb Selective Space Structures (3S)
Autodesk’s Spark-powered Ember 3D printer is capable of printing detail that “cannot be appreciated at a socially acceptable distance”
It is pointlessly high resolution
It’s like resolution for the sake of resolution
One could argue it’s resolution as a means to an end in itself
Autodesk’s Project Dreamcatcher is an experimental and slightly secretive design platform focused on generative rather than formal design systems
Autodesk’s push into CAM has included the acquisition of HSMWorks (now working inside of Inventor and informing Fusion360’s CAM module) and Delcam, makers of PowerMILL and PowerMILL Robot
A listicle is an internet articles presented in the form of a numbered or bullet point list, presumably because you are too stupid to read paragraphs, or any words at all
Machines at The Pier (***turn your volume down for the CNC videos***):
7 (yes, 7) Objet Connex500 multi-material 3D printers
Each printer is named after a different muppet
The first Connex500 Brian saw was named Rizzo, leading him to initially believe that the printers were named after characters from Grease
“Software Metal Tongue” is the name of Brian's metal band
This Is Water is a commencement speech delivered to the 2005 graduating class of Ohio’s Kenyon College by David Foster Wallace
Levittown is a Long Island hamlet and the first truly mass-produced suburb. It was built between 1947 and 1951 and was the focus of a Denise Scott Brown and Robert Venturi studio at Yale following the famous Learning from Las Vegas
Angry Birds is a video game franchise making use of simple controls and a physics engine popular among children and sad, lonely adults on the subway
MySpace is some kind of music website these days but used to be a very popular social networking site known for allowing angsty teenagers to tile vertigo-inducing wallpaper and autoplay their questionable music preferences. Also, everyone had to be friends with this guy
Black Widow is a Grasshopper library by Brian and Patrick that bakes your geometry into Rhino and subsequently deletes your Grasshopper file so you stop fiddling around with design options and MAKE A DECISION FOR GOD’S SAKE
The MakerBot Rep2 was the greatest desktop FDM printer #RIP
McMaster-Carr is the greatest website of all time
Patrick likes to imagine McMaster and Carr as Statler and Waldorf
Chef’s Table is a Netflix documentary series about… I don’t know. Chefs probably.
Looking for a scapegoat? Blame it on the boogie
Will someone please teach me how to dougie
Lightning round:
What book(s) are you reading right now?
Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography by Roland Barthes
What music are you listening to right now?
Replay Last Night (2013) by Astronautica
Atish's set for the Robot Heart Bus at Burning Man 2014
What’s your favorite sci-fi film?
Black Mirror (Patrick loves him some Netflix)
What’s your favorite retro-game?
Star Tropics (1990), also Brian’s favorite
Final Fantasy 1 (1987), which was freakin’ impossible
The super-confusing Final Fantasy numbering system, which differed between the US (NES) and Japan (Famicom)
What’s your favorite childhood cartoon?
Fraggle Rock (1983-1987)
Specifically, the “Uncle Traveling Matt” segment where a Fraggle in the outside human world writes letters back to the Fraggles
What’s in your current “app kit?”
ZBrush (digital painting and sculpting software similar to Autodesk Mudbox)
Describe your productivity ritual.
Wake up early, stay late
Just work, more
Not too hung up on rituals or routines
Important to be able to make decisions to keep the work moving forward - parametric software makes it too easy to explore limitless design options which can paralyze a project
What’s something that recently blew your mind?
Using the waterjet cutter at Pier 9 to raster etch materials as opposed to the typical through-cut operation
The Ember’s incredible 3D print resolution
What is the most irritating part of your day? The most enjoyable?
The best part is finishing something - the sense of accomplishment
The worst part is running into roadblocks where you’re put at someone else’s mercy, being put on hold and waiting for responses
If you could have a tea party with any 3 people, dead or alive, who would they be?
What piece of advice would you give to someone studying architecture?
See architecture as a broader design education - the principles taught in architecture school apply across the board and the possibilities for applying these skills in the professional world are diverse
Be ambitious - architecture is an aspirational profession
Root your work in making
Understand what is “possibly plannable” - you can’t anticipate every design outcome so sometimes it’s best to engage with a material without too much thought so you have something from which you can learn and to which you can respond
On Designalyze, we analyze what makes thought leaders in design technology tick through informative, insightful, and often humorous interviews. Designalyze is hosted by Zach Downey and Brian Ringley and recorded in DUMBO, Brooklyn. For design technology tutorials and content visit us at http://designalyze.com
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