Episode 021 - Scott Crawford

Scott Crawford visits NYC to present at the AEC Technology Symposium and fights Pope related traffic to sit down with us for an enlightening interview. We talk parametric design, Frank DK Ching, having a CNC router in your garage, and Brian learns about Spoonman. (Also, we pushed this episode out early to prove it's possible to have a quick turn-around). Enjoy. :)
Show Notes:
Scott Crawford leads the LMN Tech Studio (“LMNts”) based out of Seattle
Scott’s in town to speak at TT CORE’s AEC Technology Symposium 2015
Daniel Davis is bad at fantasy football
Scott’s the first guest to bring Brian and Zach a 6-pack
LMN is thinking of calling their (sh)op space LMNOP
Eventually they will have enough partners to be called ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
Not to be confused with this Alphabet
Scott founded LMNts with Dan Belcher, who now works for McNeel
Scott is changing his official title to the Artist Formerly Known as Design Technologist
Prince’s symbol actually had a name: “Love Symbol #2”
Brian doesn’t know how to use the word caveat. He probably means cachet
Scott teaches a class to practicing professionals at UDubs, which Brian often confuses with DubsU
Dynamo is available in a standalone version called Dynamo Studio
Scott was told to learn about parametric modeling from Francis DK “Frank” Ching, who is famous for his books on hand-drawing*
*Many of his drawings were actually done in Illustrator YOUR WHOLE LIFE IS A LIE
ParaCloud was a generative modeling platform that experienced brief popularity between 2006 and 2009 before most of its users made the transition to Grasshopper which was better-integrated with Rhino and much more extensible
ParaMod is a design computation education blog by Karl Daubmann
Karl Daubmann was recently made full professor at the University of Michigan’s Taubman College and was awarded the Rome Prize in Architecture
TopMod is a super fun topological mesh modeling app that experienced brief popularity around 2008 and then faded a bit
This podcast is really cutting into Brian’s sexting time
Zach missed the two shittiest QBs of all time play each other thanks to this podcast recording
Seattle is actually nice sometimes
Just kidding it’s terrible. Especially Seahawks fans
And Starbucks. What the hell, You almost single handedly ruined coffee in this great nation
Stockholm Syndrome describes feelings of affection in a victim for their a captor
Scott studied psychology prior to going into architecture
Seattle has seasonal bipolar disorder, which is seasonal affective disorder followed by the extreme bliss of good weather, erasing all memories of how horrible the rest of the year is
Here’s some Seattle grunge:
How to play the spoons in under 10 minutes (hint: keep that sucker firm)
LMN was the project architect for Gehry’s Experience Music Project and the Seattle Public Library
The Seattle Public Library was the OMA project during which Joshua Prince-Ramus left to start his own practice with REX
Brian actually said schwasted three times not twice for those of you playing along at home
Before working at LMN, Scott worked for the artist Lorna Jordan doing large scale installations across the country
Stephen Van Dyck is now a partner at LMN
Jack Chaffin is also on the LMNts team, focusing largely on environmental performance issues
Scott has a CNC router in his garage
Scott put the router on a 18 month 0% APR credit card and was able to pay it off in 12 months as LMN was paying him an hourly rate for running it on work-related projects
So basically Scott’s house is an extension of LMN
If you are Scott’s neighbor you probably hate him for subjecting you to the constant high-pitched whir of the CNC router
There’s only so much you can get out of a model - sometimes it’s necessary to do full-scale prototypes to test material performance
LMNts, in an initiative led by Tim Logan, teamed up with McNeel to develop Lyrebird, a Revit/Rhino interoperability library for Grasshopper
Lyrebird was a fuller implementation of an in-house interop library called Cricket
Bob McNeel likes to run
The Designalyze podcast does not condone drunk-CNCing
Where in the world is Tim Logan
Erick Katzenstein, now with Mode Lab, used to work for LMNts
Brian’s weird Lyrebird error in Revit 2014 on food4rhino
Rhino can’t import SAT files, it can only export them
Brian doesn’t feel like Zach’s heart is in this podcast anymore
Jessica, get on this podcast
The Martian’s release was weird coming right off of Interstellar’s heels
Zach bought a BB-8 Sphero droid which you can program
If it comes on my property I’m shooting it down
Selfie-drones are going to be even more terrible than selfie-sticks
What makes a muppet a muppet is being Jim Henson-esque
Jim Henson died 20 years ago this week
Labyrinth featured a young Jennifer Connelly
Brian has a thing for the troll lady at the end
Her name is Seeress Aughra, and she is beautiful
PotUSA are now make children’s music under the name Caspar Babypants
Less is more: 3-string guitar and 2-string bass
Mixed VHS tapes were the proto-YouTube playlist
Tool concerts are basically Cirque du Soleil
Tool guitarist Adam Jones also makes visual art
Brian once sat next to Trey Anastasio
Brian is always one beer behind
Lightning round:
What book(s) are you reading right now?
The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared, by Jonas Jonasson
What’s your favorite sci-fi film?
Prometheus (2012)
Drone scan scene like Project Tango
Prometheus 2 will be called “Alien: Paradise Lost”
Brian: Strawberry
Zach: S’More
Scott: S’More
What’s your favorite retro-game?
A TV once fell on Scott’s brother’s head while playing Q*Bert and now he can only move isometrically
To dress as Q*Bert all you need to do is stick a bicycle horn on your face
What music are you listening to right now?
Seattleites must listen to a minimum of one Nirvana song a year
Scott’s teenage daughter confused Radiohead with Nirvana and he had to disown her
Favorite Radiohead album:
Scott: Ok Computer
Zach: Ok Computer
Brian: Kid A
Brian didn’t know about Radiohead until he saw them play Idioteque on SNL
If you could have a tea party with any three people, dead or alive, who would they be?
Buckminster Fuller (the tea party would be in a dymaxion house)
WHAT IS ARCHITECTURE???!!! In one sentence.
The reality that we build
Building things to change people's perceptions of reality
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