The tooling is the best. which is still private lean mean business and personal and civil enlightenment oriented? To the best of my knowledge, there's no GC in WASM. I really hope it isn't dying since it's by far the most pleasant language I've ever worked in. I was doing some web design/frontend at that time (2005-2006), and the whole Ruby on Rails movement seemed so different, easy to learn, and yet quite productive. It's not that they couldn't emerge, it's just that they're not likely to emerge out of the current situation. Agreed. Yup, front end development is light years ahead of JS. Is java dead in 2020? :), ... and 134,468 gems at a rate of 33 per day (. So my recommendation if you want to build programming language community - copy what Elixir did and it will be a good start. With a strong statically typed language like scalajs or elm, you have a lot more static reasoning that can be done at compile time, allowing you to omit a lot of runtime support. Clojure. Your uberjar will contain clojure.main, so it is quite possible (and useful) to run the REPL in your uberjar (java -cp my-whole-app.jar clojure.main). For the last three Clojure surveys, I have reviewed the free-form answers at the end of the survey and tried to summarise how the community is feeling. I even like Elisp. Go was around and buzzy (closer to the peak, even) 5 years ago. If you're using Rust, you probably want to be writing Rust, not C.). To me bringing two useful data structures beyond lists into the language syntax felt very powerful and simple. [126] Note that, in the following examples, ;; starts a line comment and ;; => indicates the expected output: Unlike other runtime environments where names get compiled away, Clojure's runtime environment is easily introspectable using normal Clojure data structures: Similar to other Lisps, Clojure is homoiconic (also known as code as data). Regarding the second point, why didn't you just define your own let macro? When you first started to learn C style syntax, it was likely just as confusing. The language is the cherry on top. Alternatively, browse the repository. In the last couple of months I've been playing around with different solutions for actor based programming. I never thought of Clojure as a language that would catch on to the 90% of shops out there. It's the startup and REPL time, typically. Python is more useful for data munging/cleaning (lower startup time, loads of input libraries). It provides built-in concurrency support via software transactional memory and asynchronous agents, and offers a rich set of immutable, persistent data structures. You can call it dyslisplexia or whatever. As soon as I saw Clojure, I knew that my setup would unavoidably get twice as complicated because they added another delimiter that's used in random places in the code. Machine learning is a better way to produce AI. [66][67][68], The primary platform of Clojure is Java,[18][52] but other target implementations exist. I'm okay cleaning up messes, but Clojure allows developers to really hang themselves in ways that they can't in other languages simply because you can't do those things in other languages. This means that the IDE can 'understand' any part of your code, not just big constructs like functions, methods or classes. > Python has a repl and eval so code-as-data/data-as-code is not an advantage for Clojure as it is over C-alikes. [0]. I'm a Rubyist and don't know much Clojure, but that sounds pretty reasonable. And it's not good enough that Python fails because R and Julia are competing with Python. Why do you consider Common Lisp better in every way? [55][15] Clojure's reader supports literal syntax for maps, sets and vectors in addition to lists, and these are compiled to the mentioned structures directly. Most people will never like it. The best is never the most popular. Can't stress that enough. Most people like mainstream pop. Yea...I like the theory of emacs, but the reality of vim usage. Shouldn't be met with a lack of interest? Emacs can be customized at will, and using Lisp :). Because it has certainly passed its glory days as well. When … There are no alternatives that have a comparable platform not completely alien to JS developers. And that is hard, because blindly adding features will destroy the simpleness and your language degenerates into an "easy" one. Similarly Rails [2] looks like healthy, steady project. But I do like Clojurescript. You say you don't really need to know the de-facto language of such "host" platforms, but that strikes me as putting a developer into a rather fussy and boxed-in posture if they're going to try and use the NewLang seriously/professionally. > Python is more useful for data munging/cleaning (lower startup time, loads of input libraries). But this is rather a common pattern. Clojure's design decisions do result in an amazingly productive language. Lisp syntax, immutable data structures, laziness, all splendid. And there's really no way that it could be anything other than a framework. That in and of itself really turned me off. I've always wondered how clojure ecosystem might have turned out differently if clojure was not developed inside of a consulting environment targeting large corporations. Interoperability with existing code in that ecosystem is also nice, but secondary; people using your language want to use your language, after all; if they wanted the best interoperability with Java, they'd just use Java. Clojure does not allow user-defined reader macros, but the reader supports a more constrained form of syntactic extension. Is it dead? Compare. The stability is something I never saw anywhere. I think it will continue on as a solid niche language for the foreseeable future, but it's highly unlikely that the language will grow by leaps and bounds barring some must-have innovation in the Clojure language and/or ecosystem that gets the tech world to take it more seriously. Lisp was invented to produce AI. The JS is easier to read because it has an easier to parse structure. LivesSript. Clojure takes the good parts of Java's OO system. On the JVM, java sucks, but your choices are limited; what, maybe groovy, kotlin, scale, clojure? February 6, 2019 • ∞. It helps if you're not used to them already. There is nothing preventing people from succeeding with Clojure (and they are). The Java Virtual Machine, or JVM. Is this dead code or otherwise not supported? There's nothing preventing you from manually doing that when you type the code, but editors and pretty-printers won't know about it. I have no idea why it hasn't caught on. Clojars. There must be what, 50 odd listed on ...but I mean, even if we accept that the things you say about clojurescript are true (and I don't agree that they are, but even if I did), the point I'm making is that it doesnt stand out from the crowd in terms of features. These are very basic questions, but enou… I've been coding in clojure for several years now. Even to the extent that was due to language features being well-suited to the domain, there's still no real reason to expect that suitability to translate to the radically different approaches to AI today. Martin. I know for me the combination of RoR and the MacBook Pro caused me to never look back. Rich Hickey was nominated for deletion. Gems that don't build on Windows, little help because almost everbody is on a Mac, Linux or a Linux VM on Windows. What I have thought the niche of Clojure and other languages like it are larger scale projects and established places that care about robustness and correctness. That was true a few years ago, but not anymore: In Haskell, data structures are immutable, persistent, and use structural sharing by default. sad. Is java still the same thing? I feel that it spoiled me. Clojure is very sick and its long term survival prospects are very dim. It took me an afternoon to get used to the prefix notation (not to parentheses; those are used even in python), and after that afternoon I would refuse to program without it. Clojure is a dialect of Lisp, and shares with Lisp the code-as-data philosophy and a powerful macro system. But I think it's helpful to think the two dimensions in this way. “What is right is not always popular and what is popular is not always right.” -- Albert Einstein. It is felt when running unit test too. I had never touched Clojure until a few weeks ago. There are so many good ideas in Reagent and Re-Frame. As far as I'm aware Clojure was the only attempt at a LISP where a package manager was included from the beginning. For me the violin would be indistinguishable from an entry level violin but for the master it's a very powerful tool. Thus, Clojure did have to be at minimum practical for developers I would work with, and companies I might work for, or else I couldn’t use it to make a living. Clojure was designed to make a certain kind of software easier to write. The current development process is community-driven, overseen by Rich Hickey as its benevolent dictator for life (BDFL). Yesterday i explained Lisp's syntax to a friend, in 3 minutes. A framework is just a library, exposed directly as functions and data in a given runtime, that has enough internal structural complexity and "active" logic that the framework offers high-level abstractions that pre-compose its components into functional arrangements, rather than expecting you to DSL-glue them together yourself. And the front end developer tools and libraries in Clojurescript are _the best_ out there. I have for years thought I'd need a license to develop commercial Qt applications and not evaluated it seriously for that reason, even though by that time it was already LGPL. Just follow the trend and keep making it easy to do whatever just became popular. :). Lisp was invented by the guy who coined the term AI, not. So if there is anything hurting Clojure I believe it is the increased uptake of languages with much better type systems than in the past (Scala, Swift, Rust, and even Go). I have observed Elixir community and I have to say Jose and others did an excellent job fostering a healthy, friendly and warm community. Got any links? What's interesting is that for me Clojure was my first lisp. Clojure however is not entirely lazy, only the majority of sequence operations like map, reduce, filter or repeatedly are lazy evaluated. I think the "killer app" that Clojure needs is that it should be compilable into C/C++ with the same great interop it has with Java. And yeah WASM is looking pretty promising (threads/gc/efficiency), and a CLJ like language that targets it directly would be so interesting for the very long term future. Anyway, I love Clojure and it'd be great not to have to use Python (and especially R), but it's just not realistic. I have to convert from and to JS. Parentheses exist because it is the easiest way to represent the raw AST in text form. Worry about setting a deep value that is regular JS. However, it needs to wean itself away from the all the Java tooling and not require a JDK. Hope you find some entertainment in it. I don't think Rust's usage is large enough to fit into that category although it is growing and its followers are very devoted. It's like coders got their fix of "new ways of thinking about code", and now have gone back to whatever they feel most productive in. I agree with you, it's the startup time. If you take this approach, having many simple code examples are extremely helpful because I can find answers to these questions very easily. For example? > Elm, Elixir, JavaScript, seem to be better at prioritizing the humanistic aspect. Or rather, the market for UNIX (including Linux) servers expanded quite a lot, but BSD (basically FreeBSD and co) didn't rise as much. I've made a short video series on writing a game with Clojure and ClojureScript. Lisp used to be the language for AI, could Clojure possibly steal the machine learning niche back from Python? I have done two major (commercial) software projects in Python, with a good amount of code, several months of work, and I've never had ANY kind of problem with the indentation/whitespace. Clojure like all Lisp is not dead or dying, it's not just for everyone, and that's fine. Clojure is collapsing in complete disarray, as fittingly exemplified by failing dead last in the recent comprehensive programming languages survey. If anything Clojure is the ultimate anti-OOP which, I think, partly explains its lack of adoption sitting, as it does, on top of a mass of libraries designed with OOP. I suppose if it does die out there are other Lisps available despite the claim that Lisp is dead. There is basically no foreseeable way for the state-change model of language adoption to see a palpable uptick in Clojure. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. Parens are a feature, not a problem, and everyone eventually figures that out and stops complaining or they move on to a language more suited to them. I spent the better part of 2013 - 2015 learning and working with Clojure. Also super easy hot reloading with figwheel. Clojure continues to decay. Really, really simple. OCaml has Bucklescript, Haskell has GHCJS, Kotlin and Rust compile to JS, etc. [111], Tooling for Clojure development has seen significant improvement over the years. Why should Clojure be the Lisp dialect used for a transpiler? They allow the following advantages: This is more an emotional response to me than it is functional or logical one since you can apply all of these points to any other language. Automatic tail call optimization is not supported as the JVM does not support it natively;[60][61][62] it is possible to do so explicitly by using the recur keyword. Whether it's scheme or clojure or arc, every once in a while a new lisp comes along, and they never make it. For example; newcomers to Clojure think that the contains? [23][24][15] While its type system is entirely dynamic, recent efforts have also sought the implementation of gradual typing. I dunno, guess some people's brains maybe just not suited. > Is Ruby supposed to be an example of "not dying" language? Just because the designer thinks it looks better? He gave the Simplicity Matters talks at Railsconf (. With advances in the Google Closure compiler, it's getting better and better. [54], Like most other Lisps, Clojure's syntax is built on S-expressions that are first parsed into data structures by a reader before being compiled. A lot of little things that are hard in other languages are easier in LISP, which results in you writing the code yourself instead of pulling in a library some else wrote. So in a sense, Machine learning takes the needs for Lisp (in AI) away. I've never met enough Clojure developers that stuck with it long enough to move the meter to "massive uptick," so there isn't much of a down-slope relative to "alive." This sounds petty but I actually have some rationalization for it. Ultimately, the value of a piece of code is decided by the functionality it offers, rather than what language it is written. It's not really clear to me why, but lisps keep trying and keep dying. FWIW, running code through machine-formatting is an idea that squicks. Is Java Dead? Stian Soiland-Reyes. The lack of good error messages is manageable when combined with figwheel on the CLJS side, but there doesn't seem to be something comparable on the server side. Jose and Chris really go above and beyond. It also is great for "full-stack" devs in that there is little context switching between server and client. [1] What is becoming less popular is dynamically typed languages or perhaps more correct to say languages who's types are not statically analyzed at compile time. Emacs is awesome, but making language design decisions based on Emacs (or any editor, for that matter) seems like it ought to be at best a non-goal. I don't understand: why can't you add a newsline andan indent? no, that would just be something like "Commons RDF" again.. but this is my personal pet Clojure project outside Apache. While Clojure has some support for type hints, they are not an enforcement mechanism, nor comprehensive, and are limited to communicating information to the compiler to aid in efficient code generation. Coming on the heels of a recent Netcraft survey which plainly states that Clojure has lost more market share, this news serves to reinforce what we've known all along. I absolutely cannot stand significant whitespace... it is a step back in almost every area of usability. [0], Heck even Clojure seems to agree, just the simple act of using vectors for various things (ie function parameters) helps with the readability. The people who complain about parenthesis haven't used a Lisp long enough, that's all. They're just scope delimiters. it's (let [a 1 b 2] ...) rather than (let ((a 1) (b 2)) ...). Instead, you need to carefully think about the natures of the new requirements, challenge the assumptions underneath the original design, and restructure your design. I started learning it because Spec got me really excited and I want it or something a lot like it right now. Use Emacs and optionally avail yourself of a structural editing mode like paredit. There is something missing in the "simple vs. easy" argument. But I don't think it's broad enough (I realise it doesn't aim to be) to usefully capture enough mindshare that Clojure is a first-class citizen in the numerical computing space. The JVM is super-powerful when it comes to compute tasks, but define a function on the REPL and Clojure will compile it, which is necessarily slower than what Python does. It is so strict and authoritarian that nearly everyone ends up writing similar code. You can't statically check a type you don't know about yet (except the name, you know nothing of data structure). 5. I don't know. Hell, as an Elixir guy, the first time I had to talk to the DB was jarring because it was "oh shit, it's a deep mutable data puddle again". I hear this a lot from the clojure community... but I think it's a missed attempt to pivot off the JVM and have clojure be useful for more people on a more popular platform. Haxe. Good times. I am glad that you are here I wonder how you found the project is clojure-clr on .NET Core mostly dead in the water? Which is, y'know, an awful annoyance for the people who use the language for other things—but boy does it pull people in. For javascript, that crowd of alternatives is so much larger, clojurescript needs to actually be good to stand out amongst all the others. And that's fine by me. [17] Before Clojure, he developed dotLisp, a similar project based on the .NET platform,[28] and three earlier attempts to provide interoperability between Lisp and Java: a Java foreign language interface for Common Lisp (jfli),[29] A Foreign Object Interface for Lisp (FOIL),[30] and a Lisp-friendly interface to Java Servlets (Lisplets).[31]. For all practical purposes, Clojure is dead. Then again, in 2017 I feel like we have an embarrassment of riches of programming languages. I think Clojurescript might be the thing. Now that I've spent enough time on it I'd very much like to use it for the rest of my career. Both in the affordances of the software (Elm’s famous error messages), and in person-to-person interactions. Python ) discussion occurs at the technical level AI in the cards a... Read–Eval–Print loop ( repl ), I 'm a Rubyist and do n't like the of. This approach, having many simple code examples are extremely helpful because can...,... and 134,468 gems at a minimum, the value of a toolkit be! ’ s Why… by Lindsay Brunner |... Clojure, JRuby,.. Would just is clojure dead something like PHP or Java 6 code as good that... Tooling and not require a JDK we need way more questions on StackOverflow ASAP the.! Editor: you may find instructions for your second example, your popular... 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