There is no “need” that God has which must be satisfied. Praise and worship is an important feature of our walk with God. Hopefully this lump of text helps provide a different viewpoint! (and therefore ultimately in our best interests). God expects us to worship Him as an expression of reverence and thanksgiving to Him. After all, He is the God of aseity. He wants us to worship Him because of His attributes and what they produce. If there were, it would mean that God was insufficient in and of himself. Summary: Because the "Beholding" law is universal, God made us in His image. He is completely self-sufficient. Category: Articles. God as an egotistical or even insecure tyrant who insists that everyone tell him how great he is. I’m just One of you guys. But we must not do that. It is one of the themes John Piper likes to preach about. Worship is included as part of God's command to love him, for Worship is the act of acknowledging and seeking God. God doesn't command us not to murder because he's a dictator, but because it's morally right (and therefore ultimately in our best interests). Slightly ratchet it up maybe, but don’t focus on Me too much.” That might satisfy some idolater’s notion of humility, but the humility that I see in this King of kings is on Golgotha. Your gift enables our worldwide outreach. Yet what is worship? God does not want us to worship Him/Her. The Ligonier Ministries site requires Javascript, but you’ve got Javascript disabled. Why Does God Want Us to Praise & Worship Him? The God you are trying to push on us looks to me to be very egocentric. The WORSHIP of God is to emulate him! In this way, we present ourselves to Him as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to Him. The truth is that singing is something God gave us for the purpose of praising Him. relationship with the true God (for praying to a false god is really saying to God, "I don't trust you to answer me or So it’s difficult to respond. It is this: Because we have been made by this God and for this God, because our very self-identity when we are right with God is to love Him supremely, to adore Him and to worship Him, it is a supreme act of love on His part to keep demanding it—because it is for our good. In other words, God wants us to worship, praise, and give glory to God, not for God’s own sake, but for our sake. God the Almighty does not need us to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” John 4:23-24 ESV / 3 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. Question: "Why should we worship God?" On the contrary it is us who need to worship Him. In their minds, the God of the Bible is not worthy of worship. Our worship must show our adoration and loyalty to God for His grace in providing us with the way to escape the bondage of sin, so we can have the salvation He so much wants to give us. love, forgiveness and guidance. Incidentally, God does command us to admire Him. If it does not, we wallow in idolatry again and again and again. He gains nothing from our worship, and our lack of it takes nothing away from God. Are they not rather harming themselves, to their own shame? and be upset if we didn't. (Mt 22:35-40). The most important question about worship is this: Who should be worshipped? God does not need our worship. For some people, the answer is because it’s what they grew up with. so that they would remember them and obey them and receive blessings as a result When we thank and praise him it blesses us! portrayal, for God's command to us is, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all (Dt 6:6-9), (Jer 7:18-19). Of course it’s true to say something like this: “Yes, but God is so much more than we are. By greater reason, God would inevitably create us to worship Him because He is the One worthy of worship. When they come to know God, If we don't appreciate what is done for us, then we can become narcissistic. He created us with the ability to love, and the desire to be loved. So for example if we help our neighbor or feed the hungry or clothe the poor, we are properly worshipping God. Similarly, God tells us to worship him because it's the proper We also have explicit instruction that we should offer praise nd worship toward God. Isn’t He, at very least, morally defective? What do you say to that? Answer: To worship is to show reverence and adoration for a deity or to something that represents a deity (e.g., a graven image).People worship all kinds of things: the true God (John 4:24), demons (Revelation 9:20), carvings or statues made to represent beasts (Exodus 32:7–8), the sun, moon, and stars (Deuteronomy 17:3), kings (Daniel 3:5), … God does NOT need us to worship Him (He answered, “I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out.” Luke 19:40 ESV). (Hos 6:6, The Bible shows that people have We worship God because—through God’s wisdom and mercy—He created us that way. God deserves our worship, and we are wise to entrust our lives and our worship to Him. He is our Maker and our Sovereign and our providential King and our Judge.” All of that is true. God (being spirit) cannot be reduced to an image, an abstract truth or confined to a mountain or a … God creating us to worship Him was inevitable. declares the LORD. To me, it is not so much that God wants us to worship him but that God wants us to connect with her. God wants us to see more of the beauty of Jesus. He wants not only for us to love Him; He wants us to act justly toward each other, to show love and compassion to others. This is not an accurate For goodness sake, is He insecure? He created man in His Image to express God and He gave man authority over all things so that man can carry out God's authority on the earth. BBut He does not want forced worship. God is the person with whom we can set our affections upon who is above any other and who will love us back. But God also expects us to be obedient to Him. from D.A. If He wanted that it would be effortless for him to create something that would rattle off endless “worship.” The Bible tells us that God doesn't just love, rather God is love. Instead, God is the perfect one, the holy one, above whom is no other God … Not only is that counterproductive, it's harmful: That includes us. Loving God includes praising him, thanking him and obeying him That He keeps directing attention to Himself is an act of supreme humility and grace, precisely because He stoops to remind us of what we ought to recognize, and because it is for our good. At the end of it all, all creation will give appropriate praise and glory (see Revelation 5). Because we are changeable, He wants us to grow up to become like Him. praying to another god is praying to someone who doesn't exist. He has no needs. God created us to worship him, yes, but not as slobbering fools bowing to a 'dungy idol' - emulating Jehovah's wonderful attributes is ALL the worship he requires. It is entirely right to give God glory and for God to demand glory because he alone is worthy. It follows that a trustworthy God who wants the best for us would instruct us to worship him That is the point to which our adoration must come. When we love God and realize how awesome he is, worship and praise are natural results. He’s not just another human being, slightly ‘souped-up.’ He is God. And He desires it because He is worthy of it. Publicly expressed worship is one way that people find out who God is. May 19, 2017 Fix that problem! Carson’s contribution to Holy, Holy, Holy: Proclaiming the Perfections of God. for instance, he may fool himself into thinking that the false god has given him permission to do something evil. nonexistent deity. “God is spirit,” therefore, you must worship him in spirit. (Being completely right with God requires a perfect teacher, and then we are willing for him to teach us and increase our wisdom and morality. If … Yet this too is for our benefit: They pour out drink offerings to other gods to provoke me to anger. We need to worship Him because only by worshiping Him we will be able to purify ourselves and therefore make ourselves qualified enough to get close to Him who is the source of excellence and to be in His everlasting paradise. The mission, passion and purpose of Ligonier Ministries is to proclaim the holiness of God If Christianity is true, then the Christian God really is the only God, and At best, he will receive no benefit from the false god, and will have damaged his Worship is not groveling before God, nor is it performing meaningless rituals. People “worshipping” Jesus does not make him God any more than Abraham “bowing down” before the Hittites makes them God. The Greek and Hebrew need to be translated consistently. I believe that God … At the other extreme are those who refuse to worship God, who say that if there really is a God and when they ultimately stand before him, they will refuse to worship him. praise a perfect God! He is loving and generous, kind and patient! Similarly, God tells us to worship him because it's the proper way for us to relate to him and because it's to our benefit to do so (see above). God loves us and wants us to remain with him, so he asks us to worship him and foster a relationship with him. in all its fullness to as many people as possible. About a dozen years ago, I started stumbling across a question from university undergraduates that I never received when I was a young man. God has designed us to enjoy beauty … That is what we must see. If it's Carson Worshiping God puts us into the proper relationship with him, in the sense that we are acknowledging that are demands. God wants us to not only say righteous and true things about Him, He wants us to sing those things as well. By worshiping God, we acknowledge his perfection, which is the first step in learning from him: we realize he's But I can’t assume that now. If God is perfect, This includes all of creation including the … But am I the one they are provoking? But He does desire it. Instead, he told the Israelites to keep copies of his commands everywhere On the other hand, if we worship the true God, we receive all the benefits of a relationship with God, including his Over and over God calls for our hearts to … He doesn’t need our obedience or our money. It is this: Because we have been made by this God and for this God, because our very self-identity when we are right with God is to love Him supremely, to adore Him and to worship Him, it is a supreme act of love on His part to keep demanding it—because it is for our good. This article will look at some reasons why we should … the person who does so is ignoring the help and advice that God is willing to give him, and is instead seeking help from a The teaching that God only wants man to worship Him is what has been taught to us, but it may actually miss whats really on God's heart. Many will tell you that we should worship God because it is a natural response to His mightiness, His holiness, and His undying love. There is no insecurity in this God. God hates hypocrisy and insincere worship Scripture teaches that we come to God the Father — through God the son — by God the Holy Spirit. then he deserves praise, and his commands are good commands that should be obeyed. That’s why God wants us to worship Him. they too will find fulfillment and grow into better people, which benefits not only them but society at large. Is worship degrading? Therefore, God does not need us to worship Him at all. One of the most elementary teachings of the Christian faith is that there is a God and you are not him. We like to see that A similar idea from James 1:27 In eternity past, the Father loved the Son, the Son loved the Father, and They were perfectly content. I have been doing university missions off and on for about thirty-five years. Why does God want us to worship Him? help me, so I'm going to seek help from another source," and also, "I don't believe you when you say you're the The purpose of our worship is to glorify, honor, praise, exalt, and please God. Why worship God? more than worship - see. Especially for believers in Jesus Christ, worship is the expected way of life. This relatively recent question is put variously, but it generally runs something like this: “Amongst human beings, anyone who wants to have all of the attention and garner all the praise, anyone who wants to be the focus of everyone’s constant admiration, with everyone stroking that person and fawning all over him, would be thought of as massively egocentric. God wants us to go to church is because it’s a good habit. fitting for us to praise our friends and family when they do well, how much more appropriate it is for us to The reason I never heard that sort of question in the past, I suspect, is because until fairly recently most of the unconverted people I met in university missions had been brought up in the Judeo-Christian heritage, which held that there is a sovereign, transcendent God, and that He is unique and deserves special attention. Worshiping God fulfills us and makes us happy. (Dt 6:18). He is to be cherished and revered. God doesn't command us not to murder because he's a dictator, but because it's morally right God is not demanding that we love Him so that we can meet the needs of His psychological profile this week. Therefore Allah created us for a reason to worship Him alone thus know him He is the One OTHERWISE no one would know Him without this worship IT’S A MEANS TO THE END ONLY NOT A MEANS IN ITSELF God is glorious in himself and as creator and redeemer. not "Tell me five times a day how wonderful I am." The Bible does not leave us wondering what kind of worship God is aiming at in all his work and word. When we fail to do these things God is not worshipped and evil prevails. your strength" (Dt 6:5), When we focus on God’s greatness instead of focusing on ourselves, it softens our heart and brings us into a humble state in which we are open to receiving God’s love, wisdom, and power. (1 Jn 5:3). All God commands us is for our good and his glory. Thirty years ago, if I were dealing with an atheist, at least he or she was a “Christian atheist.” That is, the God he or she disbelieved in was the Christian God, which is another way of saying that the categories were on my turf. way for us to relate to him and because it's to our benefit to do so (see above). Worshiping God is Scripture is full of examples of praise and worship toward our Father and creator. that no one make images of him. What God does tell us to do is to love him At worst, praying to a false god allows him to be deceived - Is 1:11-17). His focus on Himself is not only because He is God, but because, out of love, that is what we need. What conceivable good would it do for us if God were to say: “Don’t give Me too much worship. Knowing our strong tendency to imitate what we admire in others, God wants us to worship Him because of what He is and what He does. Donate Now. When they are, we can see that people “worshipped” other people and God (or they “bowed down to” other people and God). It’s just what they do. Why does God insist we worship only him? It increases our joy and delight in him. He keeps demanding that we praise Him all the time. Worship is desired and demanded by the Lord. it's a proper expression of our love for someone who is perfect and so much above us in every way. When God created man He did not ask man to worship Him. Something else to consider: If God were vain, one would think that he would want pictures and statues of him everywhere, yet he commanded He is the Creator. The Lord’s beauty includes His provision for every situation, His love, and His peace.“In Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” (Psalm 16:11)God’s will is that we would seek Him wholeheartedly, because that’s how we’ll find Him—and His will (Jeremiah 29:13).When we give ourselves to God in worship and prayer, He will meet us. not degrading to us, but actually benefits us: Some people object that God doesn't merely accept worship, he demands it. Worship is the expression of love for someone or something. he is God and deserves worship, and doing what he wants us to do. Another objection is that it's unreasonable for God to demand that we worship him alone and no one else. God's instruction to worship him is only a demand in the sense that God's other moral laws His perfect names and attributes were going to manifest themselves. I hope you explore deeply who God is and don't confine him to what you have heard preached or been told by others. Therefore, as a good parent He commands us to worship and obey Him — not for His good, but for ours. An artist inevitably produces art work because he has the attribute of being artistic. They picture Exodus 34:5-8 recounts an occurrence between God and Moses following the infamous Golden Calf incident. Psalm 47:6 Sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises to our King, sing praises! Is God vain? But now things have changed. The Purpose Of Our Worship Of God. Lesson 1. The Next 500 Years: 2017 National Conference, Show Me Your Glory: Understanding the Majestic Splendor of God, Naming Ligonier the Beneficiary of a Bank or Investment Account, Gifts That Provide Income and Tax Benefits, Holy, Holy, Holy: Proclaiming the Perfections of God. God does not need praise. We need to seek her. The perfect God who has saved believers from their sins is completely worthy of all worship, both in this life and for all eternity. Some people object that worship is degrading and therefore God shouldn't require it. The Bible says, “Some people have gotten out of the habit of meeting for worship. When he commands us to sing or pray or love our enemies, it is for our benefit. The reason for the creation of humanity and everything else as well, was to please God. God wants us to worship Him so that good may prevail. God never forces himself on anyone. All of God’s commands are for our delight in his glory. There is no lack in him. This excerpt is adapted from D.A. only God; your words aren't trustworthy"). Practice justice, righteousness and love. But there is more. We worship God because of who he is, and because of what he has done for us and what he will do. To glorify and honor God. a person's goodness is acknowledged and rewarded; praising God gives his followers the same satisfaction. This is an old idea that came from a time when people believed that phenomenon like weather we manifestations of God/Gods mood. I would think, though, that God would, also, like to see some gratitude from us. There is a VERY good reason, however, for why God tells us to worship Him. It is one of the themes John Piper likes to preach about. He doesn’t need our serving or giving or worship, since he gives us life and breath and everything. John Piper likes to preach about and generous, kind and patient gods! Who will love us back says, “ some people, the answer is because ’... Himself is not groveling before God, sing praises to our King, sing praises from our,... Who he is King, sing praises what he will do course it ’ contribution!, morally defective profile this week perfect names and attributes were going to manifest themselves helps a. For someone or something for example if we do n't appreciate what is done us. 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