I could understand how being a nun is like being a mother, but the fact you cannot hold a child in your arms is disappointing. I thought this was a good way in keeping us close to God and keeping our relationship with God strong. Dating doesn’t require sharing of finances and responsibilities! In society we are called to think that “Oh, marriage is all about having kids and a house”, but in reality marriage is more than that. Sign up for weekly updates from Busted Halo! 2. Marriage- Part of God’s Plan for Man From the dawn of creation, it has been part of God’s plan for man. Like they say, “A family that prays together, stays together.”. The Holy Eucharist is a sacrament and a sacrifice. To consider ourselves as Christ’s spouse. The seven sacraments—Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion, Confession, Marriage, Holy Orders, and the Anointing of the Sick—are the life of the Catholic Church. ‘We exchange God for a lesser created things” I love that quote, too!!! Who: The people present at a wedding are the bride and groom. This blog response is due Monday and in order to receive FULL credit, you must: – Discuss quotes or lines mentioned in each clip with a personal explanation or opinion about the line(s) that touched you the most. Sacraments. When my sister was going to college she had to pick a roomate. In the Holy Eucharist, under the appearances of bread and wine, the Lord Christ is contained, offered, and received. How do you like our marriage/ family project thus far? A good marriage needs comitment in order to become strong with one another and with God. Bringing others closer to God is the greatest gift a mother can give. More people just care about updating their facebook status to “married’ than sticking with their spouse till the end. I am supportive of those in the Church that decide to serve God and not spouses. He was so happy when he announced this to everyone, and he made it sound so easy, but it really must be difficult to give up your life for God. Since the sacraments of commitment, also called the sacraments of service, include Matrimony and Holy Orders, both clips discuss the benefits of putting God before others and serving Him. are for life whereas the call to ministry can change over time and through differing. This one left me baffled. The sacraments are different blessings, vows and activities that are considered most holy and sacred. It’s so easy to just grab a priest and a good-looking guy from a crowd and get married. Being a mother doesn’t always mean being related by blood, but to help and comfort. Sunday: 8.00am Sunday (followed by morning tea 5.30pm Reconciliation Saturday from 4.15pm. Being married means loving the person for who they are, not what they give you. Overall (I know you wanted it to be long, but this is really ridiculous lol), I know being a nun is a huge sacrifice, since you’re giving up so many wonderful things for God. I don’t understand why some people feel that way, if you like dating someone, wouldn’t you like being attatched to them for life? Kolbe! Instead of thinking of their spouse or God, they only think of themselves. Marriage is a commitment to another person, it is about being with your spouse through think and thin. Holy Orders: This is a sacrament that expresses a person’s call to religious life. Along with the Sacred Scripture and Tradition, the seven Sacraments compose the basic belief structure of the Catholic Church. I think this quote is very true. That is a perfect way to describe marriage! People think getting married wil be perfect,like a fairy tale, but most people do not realize their vows “In sickness and in health.’ and “Till death do us part.”. Maybe that is why people like dating more than marriage, because you don’t marry everyone you date. Let’s just say a kid drops cereal all over the floor the parents will cause a dispute over who is going to clean the mess. I find that incrediblle because God can work in many different ways not only by people or by things we read in the bible. At the age of 12, we all make fun of what nuns wear! The Eucharist occupies a unique place as the Sacrament of Sacraments and all the other Sacraments are ordered to it as to their end. She was all set to pick her best friend from elementary school and high school, until she was told NEVER to pick your friend as a roomate. They’re MADE UP. You need to make sure you found a person that you not only love but trust. Instead of having children of your own you become the mother of everyone. I think it is nice that she chose to do Gods Plan for her. Sacraments in the Catholic Church are defined as both the symbol of the thing and the thing itself. “If your marriage rests on anything but Jesus, its resting on something broken.” This quote stood out to me the most. Lastly, the only happily ever after is life in heaven with God. Whether we are baptized as infants or adults, Baptism is the Church's way of celebrating and enacting the embrace of God. A husband and wife should treat each other fairly. Sacraments of Commitment. ‘We exchange God for a lesser created things” This quote stood out to me because we forget a lot of times about God and we trade him for things that will not matter at the end like money, car or things you dont really need or things you all ready had but you still want .Sometimes we may not notice but by wanting more of the physical things they make us forget abut our relationship with God and break our friendship with him. As I mentioned in class today, the closer the husband and wife get to God and include Him in their lives, the closer the two of them get as well. That is why it is important to take your time before you get married. They want to get married because they think they love each other, but once they have kids and live together they can’t handle the pressure. Saturday 4.30pm. The Sacrament of Matrimony is a beautiful Commitment to your spouse and to your Lord! It must have been hard for her to make such a big decision at such an early age. Great connection with the triangle I showed in class! They promise to be true to each other, called to the unity that their love leads them into, and to procreate, to be open to children as a gift from God. If I had a calling to be a nun, I would be struggling. It means to love them enough to accept their faults. Since the sacraments of commitment, also called the sacraments of service, include Matrimony and Holy Orders, both clips discuss the benefits of putting God before others and serving Him. If you do something too quick, then can you really say “yes” to any of these things? Like he was saying, if you want to get married, don’t rush! “Dating feels like vacation, while marriage feels like a job.”. They are: INITIATION Baptism - Having holy water poured over your head. This quote moved me because knowing that she did not choose to become a sister of the Church, was very inspirational and brave. I’m supposed to care for him more than I care about my home, job, and emotional problems. Hugh of Saint Victor enumerated nearly thirty, although he put Baptism and Holy Communion first with special relevance. I loved that line, too! THE SACRAMENTS AT THE SERVICE OF COMMUNION . HOLY ORDERS No 1536, Nos 1537-1538, Nos 1539-1553, Nos 1554-1571 Celebration of This Sacrament Nos 1572-1574, Nos 1575-1576, Nos 1577-1580, Nos 1581-1589 IN BRIEF Nos 1590-1600 . “In marriage we either get better or bitter.” He asked us to pray for him as he becomes a priest. I think that’s nice. But mostly people get married and are happy and are together for 50-60 years until they die still married. As a woman, I will have many hardships with this. Baptism. What this quote is saying is that when we get married we either have a good life or a horrible life. Great job! The seven Sacraments are the core of the Catholic faith and the cornerstone of Christian community. ARTICLE 7 THE SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY. To adults this means what life in marriage they want.What it means to be better is to commit to the person you are with like being there for each other. This reminded me of the deacon in mass this morning. “I had a desire to be a mother. As a mother of the church, you take care of everyone’s souls and strengthen them. How could reconcile that?” If my parents acted like that with me, I wouldn’t know what to do with myself. You become a mother of souls”. “But I say imagine if a parent took that perspective with their kids.”. Otherwise, it looks like you personally said these things. “I had a desire to be a mother. Reflect on Sister Allison’s thoughts and remarks. Marriage is about being with a person that makes you better, that makes you a happier person, not just on your wedding day, but on all days. Sacraments of _vocation 1. All three are practiced by nearly all denominations, but an important distinction must be made between whether a given practice is … Married life is a vocation to which many people are called. This is amazing because it always seems like ppeople that are sisters or deacons or Priests always have a story like this how God is calling them to be a part of the Church . It can be fun, but it’s more than just sending a birthday card once a…, Try Busted Halo’s Virtual Transitions Retreat and spend some time reflecting on the spiritual meaning of transitions in our lives. My parents fight a lot and it’s hard and I feel like their marriage isn’t a marriage. – Be full of higher lever thinking skills. For anyone who grew up wearing a Catholic school uniform, today’s lesson on the seven sacraments will definitely bring back some memories.For those who didn’t, it’ll be a brief introduction to these seven religious ceremonies, which the Catholic faith regards as a visible sign of the divine. The Catholic Church does not categorize any sacraments as sacraments of commitment. Sacraments Sacraments of Initiation Baptism. Sacrament of Commitment Date & Time: December 6, 2020 11:00 AM ET | 10:00 AM CT (The call opens at 10:55 AM ET | 9:55 AM CT)Join Zoom Meeting us02web.zoom.us/j/ 85096674461 Phone: 312 626 6799 You don’t become the mother of children but the mother of any catholic who comes to you for help. I’m sure you didn’t realize how hard it wold be to stay committed to your spouse (no matter how difficult) AND starting today, taking care of those crying babies! Confirmation is a Catholic Sacrament of mature Christian commitment and a deepening of baptismal gifts. I want to have 4 or 5 kids (at least for now I do, lol) and live with a husband that I know will love me and our family forever. Any advice for handling this big transition. It just shows that you never know when God will come to you with a message. she would be a mother of an abundant of souls and she would devote her life to the catholic church. I know if i was put in the positing to give my life up for God and help others get close to him or commit to a woman I would be in a tough position. To live in complete solitude, to look only north and never east, west, or definitely not south, is so difficult. St Gerard Majella Mass. Participating in the different sacraments is … So I can relate to both the guy and the video. “To be religious elevates motherhood, you become a mother of souls, and Jesus is your spouse.”, I, personally, want to be a mother, but I don’t know whats going to happen in my future. In them we encounter the Lord Jesus and are enabled to live the life of faith more deeply. That’s what it means to me. “You will be Christ’s Bride.” I thought it was beautiful and inspiring when she heard the internal voice saying this to her and so she decided to devote her life to Christ. Just having to think about not geting married or having kids frightens me because who will continue the Becerra legacy when I am gone. There will be classes that you … You might share a checkbook and a house but are you actually friends?”. I can only imagine how hard it was for her to make that decision. Most Christian denominations practice three separate sacraments or rites of initiation into the church. “To be religious elevates motherhood. We act all holy and perfect and we say we are “catholic”, but do we really mean it? Marriage could be “better” if we commit to one another. The Sacraments of Vocation and Commitment are: click the links below for more information MATRIMONY HOLY ORDER . If you are not committed to your wife and go out with another woman while you are married you are making things worse. Once you have found someone with all these qualities then you know you are ready to get married. I imagine that once God calls people to serve Him, they must be so happy that they do not even consider saying no. I like how she saw it from a different view in the end. Whether we are baptized as infants or adults, Baptism is the Church’s way of celebrating and enacting the embrace of God. Marriage and dating are two different things, when you are dating you don’t have all these different things to think about like kids and how are you going to pay for all the bills you both now have. Engaged couples should contact the pastor at least 6 months in advance. The Seven Sacraments Listing of Sacraments. “Dating feels like a vacation, while marriage feels like a job.” History. There are five other Sacraments of the Catholic Church. It shows that some women are strong enough to get away from it all and focus on the real importance of life: God. When you become a nun you are married to the church instead of a man. You become a mother of souls.”. Put the quotations in quotation marks. But another thing that amazes me is that she wanted to be a nun at the age of 12. It’s better to get married to one of yours closes friends then some guy you think you love, because then you can communicate which is one of the most important things in a strong marriage. For Catholics, the Sacrament of Baptism is the first step in a lifelong journey of commitment and discipleship. Once he said this I thought of the triangle about of the wife and the husband and God. I’m moving to a new city for work and a little nervous about the upcoming change. How could be want to be a nun? I actually had to watch the video a second time just to hear what else she had to say! situations. You must include at least one quote she speaks within your reflection. The Sacraments of Service and Commitment HOLY ORDERS Believers (already consecrated by Baptism and Confirmation) receive a particular consecration through Holy Orders "to feed the Church by the Word and grace of God.― Ordained ministers participates in Jesus’ priestly ministry. “I had a desire to be a mother. Sacraments are divided into three groups: sacraments of initiation, sacraments of healing, and sacraments of commitment and service. She said that being friends was good, but living together was something completely different. This causes arguing and bitterness between the couple. “During marriage you either get better or bitter”. These symbolic actions we know and celebrate publicly as: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist (the sacraments of initiation); Penance/Reconciliation and Anointing (the sacraments of healing); Marriage and Orders/Ordination (the sacraments of commitment). Great insight!!!! So true about not living with your best friend! Marriage: A man and a woman consecrate themselves to be committed to one another until parted by death in this sacrament. Teacher Background. The next video is the remarkable story of a young girl whose calling is to enter the sisterhood. Like he says in the beginning, movies and books are different. They think they are going to be in love forever but then later in their life it goes all wrong. A nun doesn’t have the pleasures of a child or husband. How could I reconcile that?” This quote stood out for me from the rest because alot of women want to be mothers and hold thier children in thier arms .She was given up her chance to be a mother to become a nun. The Catholic Church has been entrusted with seven sacraments which are seven unique actions and prayer, signs and means of celebrating Christ's saving power and love for his people. Eucharist. Of course you have to answer your call, but we sometimes tend to be very selfish. So, how do you give up marriage and having children, for God? I’m sure you can’t! It is one of the three Sacraments of Initiation for Catholics. This response is too short, lacks a deep reflection on both videos, and uses lower grade vocabulary. , “If marriage isn’t a commitment, then what’s the point of the vows we say?”. Sacraments of Commitment: Marriage & Holy Order In reading the Holy Orders I valued the idea that the Church has a historical and “legitimate succession of witnesses” in the priesthood (Johnson). The current seven sacraments were set out in the Sentences by Peter Lombard, and these seven were … Holy Orders: This is a sacrament that expresses a person’s call to religious life. ” In marriage we either get better or bitter”. Sacraments are classified as Christian Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist), Sacraments of Healing (Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick), and Sacraments of Commitment (Matrimony and Holy Orders). It is most often associated with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Someone who will be there by your side through the ups and down of marriage. Overall, I could connect somewhat to this video. It is most often associated with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. If I was choosen by God to become a nun, I don’t know if I would have the same courage and responsibility as her. “To be religious elevates motherhood. Weekday Masses Weekday Masses … I like this quote because it is explaining certain people in a marriage get better as in getting closer to one another. “What we’re doing isn’t working just look at the rate of divorces.”. It means trusting them to hold your hand to go up to God’s throne together. However, and nun devotes her life ENTIRELY to God. God intended marriage to be enjoyable not suffering. Just look at Jesus if you want someone perfect! Reconciliation Anointing of the Sick. “What’s the point of saying our vows, ’till death do us part’, if it really means until our feelings go away.”. In the sacrament of marriage (matrimony) a man and woman publicly commit to give themselves to each other in a loving, faithful and life-long relationship. He knows my plans for my wedding and my life. Treating your spouse unfairly and doing what you hate doing is making your a bad person. “I was walking through the airport one time and I heard an interior voice say you will be the bride of Christ.”. » Baptism. If they are sincere in their promise to God, they will also respect each other, and be able to talk to each other and work out their problems, like best friends. Baptism is the beginning of the sacramental life for Christians. In a regular marriage, you are married to a spouse and have children. Sacraments of Commitment: This statement stood out to me because it expresses this view and tells us that some married people get selfish and forget why they got married. Eucharist So true! Married people have to remember that their marriage is not only a commitment to each other but also a promise to God. The priest is present as a witness, in the name of God and of the community. We must compromise with each other and learn to agree on things so we can get along. if you commit yourself to your spouse you will become closer to God, but if you don’t you become farther away from him. What it means for bitter is when the two people don’t get along and they get divorced. Someone who you will love forever and never get tired of. The seven sacraments are opportunities that point to what is sacred, significant and important for Christians. wife your are not committing to God. For Catholics, the Sacrament of Baptism is the first step in a lifelong journey of commitment and discipleship. This is just amazing how God speaks to you in many ways. in order for the marriage to go well we need to treat one another fairly and enjoy the things we do with one another. This quote is what touched me most in the video. You wouldn’t be able to tolerate your friend anymore, and by the end of the year, you never talk to each other again. The speaker of this video is not married yet. This quote caught my attention because I want to be a mother also. This quote means that when we get married it can make us better by teaching us how to get along with one another. As we finish us the last chapter for the year, The Sacraments of Commitment, I’d like you to reflect on the two videos below. They think they will just get married and everything will go fine and there will be no problems. They are important to the wedding, as they are the people who are getting married, and are going to have a marriage, also the guests, the guests are there to support This was my favorite quote from the first video. They are signs and instruments of God’s grace. This qoute caught my attention because this is probably most people’s views of dating and marriage. The better part of marriage is being with someone you love forever and getting to know more of them. It’s basically saying that anyone can get married. This seems like a lot, but in actuality, it’s less work than what a nun has to do. Love the person, love your future family, but more than anything, love Jesus! “To be a woman means to love and to suffer; to be a nun means to love and to suffer more.”. THEN you’ll have a commitment! If that’s anyone, it’s Jesus. And over all of this, I’m supposed to love Jesus. If you are not committed to your These Sacraments differ from ministry in that, once received, they. But, is this really what God means when he gives us the liberty to find a good spouse and have children? I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." Better or bitter…. Unlike other sacraments, the couple ministers this sacrament to each other. She could nurture more people in a different, but more spiritual way. They may also share in God's creative work by handing on life. Marriage as a Sacrament Sacramental Celebration of Marriage ”to be of one heart and one soul, from this day forward. “They have distorted our reality because we forget they are actually fiction.”. God Himself is the author of marriage. God is always calling us to be apart of the Catholic Church just like God called sr. Allison to be a part of the church. Through their union in love, the partners assist each other to live out their discipleship. In class, we talked about the Church as apostolic, Christ is sent to the world from God, and thus Christ is the first apostle. We think being a nun is an easy job, but it really is so hard. All of the sacraments were instituted by Christ Himself, and each is an outward sign of an inward grace. His parents experienced divorce, yet he used that to make a brighter image of what marriage should entail. From that point on, I just kept reapeating that over and over again in my mind. As I mentioned in class today, the closer the husband and wife get to God and include Him in their lives, the closer the two of them get as well. Instead, she has the pleasure of knowing that God awaits for her when she dies, and she wants him to be ready for how polished her soul will be. I respect nuns because they have devoted their whole life to one thing instead of raising children like everybody else. From the first video with someone you love forever and getting to know more them... These things a sacraments of commitment and wife should treat each other by people or by things we read the. Accept his calling way that we can get along and they get divorced you in many ways! Time before you get married nice that she chose to do Gods Plan for her to make sure you a! Must have been hard for her my children, and each is an easy job, you! Dream about being a mother of children but the mother of the thing and the marriage seems like job.... 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