If the failure is not detected and mitigated, it continues until a functional failure occurs (point “F”). A key element in the process is the engagement of all levels of staff throughout the organization. It’s not really in the scope of my current project exactly but after reading your breakdown I wonder if a more elaborate system of recording and dealing with the different maintenance tasks would help efficiency of maintainers. If you came to one of our three day Maintenance Planning and Scheduling Training Courses you would learn all that you need to know about maintenance planning and scheduling process design and the maintenance planning and scheduling process contents. This type of maintenance conducted only if the machine stop in the middle of production. Failure Finding Maintenance is conducted at fixed time intervals typically derived from legislation or risk based approaches. Starting from weekly, monthly, 3 monthly, 6 monthly, yearly, 2 year, and so on. Or, that it’s simply not worth the effort to assess the condition and a time based replacement is more economical and still (reasonably) effective. In the rest of this article, I will discuss each of these different types of maintenance I detail: But before we delve into those definitions, let's have a look at the fundamental difference between preventive maintenance and corrective maintenance. running to failure). Frequently, maintenance facilities resort to overtime, resulting in an increase in the total number of inspection hours. How to Choose the Right Maintenance Strategy, Add a header to begin generating the table of contents, 9 Types of Maintenance: From Preventive Maintenance to Corrective Maintenance and Everything in Between. How much Emergency Maintenance do you have? Hi Erik, In the case of breakdown maintenance you’ve had a failure and so now it needs to be fixed. However, I do still believe that even the most advanced Predictive Maintenance approaches need to be underpinned by sound reliability principles and understanding. etc. A run to failure strategy can effectively be used for general area lighting, smart process instrumentation (without trip functionality) etc. I think that putting a focus on breakdown maintenance (what I tend to call emergency maintenance) is really good as it helps to get out of the reactive environment. Read more at Online Maintenance Planning and Scheduling Training Course. Have a look at this article: https://roadtoreliability.com/sell-planning-scheduling/. They know the external environment and competition in and out. Very knowledgeable article. For the next lines, please allow me to consider that the plant maintenance is part of safety matter due to the true goal is to preserve an asset from failure and decline (of course at the end to ensure business continuity). Disclaimer. That is when we achieve reliability. Definition of Manpower Planning 2. Also much of the inspection Doing so i also discovered, even if this is odd, that those concepts are not always properly defined in academic books, and even in some standards. And depending on the risk associated with that breakdown it could be urgent or less urgent. In the end, the result matters. If you want to read more about prioritisation of corrective maintenance have a look at the article You Will Fail Without Planning & Scheduling. 9. Think pressure safety valves, trip transmitters and the like. A.Sghair. 1. I believe the solution to this is Predictive Maintenance in the form of simple wireless remote monitoring IoT network sensors that monitor your assets on a 24/7 basis that alerts you in real time to any abnormalities it detects preventing costly damages and maximising up-time. 2.If we do activities of predictive,preventive and corrective,its call wrench time. In general, prevention of a failure is simply a lot cheaper and safer than letting equipment fail. cost optimization and minimal production interruption) could easily falling to the “unexpected” very costly compensation (e.g. So all work and costs associated with preventing failures are PM costs. Does a Planner become involved in emergency work?3. Importance of Planning: Planning is the key to success of an organisation. In the chart of maintenance types I broke ‘corrective maintenance’ into two sub-types: And that was very deliberate because it is so essential that we absolutely minimize the amount of Emergency Maintenance we allow into our organisations. For an aircon system you would probably use time-based maintenance to replace filter elements. It was very informative. Factors That Influence Effective Strategic Planning Process In Organizations Job Kipkemboi Kiptoo, Dr. Fred Mugambi Mwirigi, 1,2Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. and recent fallen oil price. In our site (food & beverage company), we use PM (Preventive Maintenance), CM (Corrective Maintenance), and BD (Breakdown Maintenance). But you would probably use deferred corrective maintenance for any lighting maintenance, i.e. As such it is a type of preventive maintenance. I see Predictive Maintenance as an extension, a more advanced approach to CBM where we use potentially many process parameters gained from online sensors to determine if our equipment is moving away from stable operating conditions and is heading towards failure. prepared) corrective maintenance where we have had a failure, but still are taking the time to plan the work so we get good efficiency. We conclude that when we do PM, we do CILT (Clean Inspect, Lubricate, Tightening). But not always. documentation of all maintenance work is a key element, and AMTs typically spend as much time updating maintenance logs as they do performing the work. We have certain schedule for each equipment. Refusal of TIME BASED MAINTENANCE (TBM) them seems like a utopia. Do you mean ‘organizational chart’? Since several years ago, we have been introduced with (Process Safety) Asset Integrity Management System on which maintenance management is one of its tools. Privacy Policy. 1 Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) is used to monitor the items condition and functionality and make routine adjustments and corrections, 5 Key Factors of an Effective Performance Management System April 23, 2019 2 Comments Human resource department is continuously trying to improve processes to enhance employee engagement and growth, retain employees, hire new talent, and operate more efficiently on a … So from that perspective which is better? Maintenance work can be hazardous. a vibration reading, corrosion under insulation, …) found a possible error (upcoming bearing damage, a corrosion mechanism that cab lead to failure, …), does the repair or bring back in original state still fall under preventive maintenance or better to say proactive maintenance? Thousands of work-related accidents, resulting in more than three days off work are reported to the Health and Safety Authority each year. You can get Industrial and Manufacturing Wellness: Life Cycle Enterprise Asset Management for World Class Reliability at Industrial Press and Amazon Books. But also remember that often we have to do preventive maintenance to meet compliance / legislative requirements. Hi Ahmed, thanks for your comment. Still exact same task, same series of steps. 4-yearly internal vessel inspections. Maintenance Planning• Identifying the parts, tools, procedures, and standards/ specifications required for effective maintenance work, increasing wrench time.• Planning is key to the success of Precision Maintenance 10. Should they take (online) training courses before they begin to work? Will I need a maintenance planner/ scheduler clerk(s)? Would you allocate all the costs to preventive maintenance or would you only allocate the cost for the initial inspection to preventive/proactive maintenance and allocate the repair/bring back to original state to corrective/reactive maintenance? Predictive Maintenance really is a type of Preventive Maintenance as they both see you conducting maintenance before the failure has occurred. The company consists of two diesel power plants, one dual pupose plant and one RO plant. The 34th president of the United States and an American army general, Dwight D. Eisenhower is famous for making the paradoxical statement, "In preparing for battle, I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable." But we don’t have spares in our store. In some way be sure to involve the managers and the supervisors from Maintenance (and occasionally those from Production) in reviewing the proposed MPS process designs. But, if you are only dealing with 50 liters of oil the time and effort it takes to sample the oil and analyse it probably means it's not worth going condition-based and you simply change that oil out based on a fixed time or fixed number of running hours. Scheduled restoration tasks and replacement tasks are examples of preventive maintenance tasks.” 1Ramesh Gulati, Jerry Kahn and Robert Baldwin. Low risk equipment may be maintained at a much lower frequency and possibly with a much smaller scope of work. And since these failures are hidden, you’ll need to find them before you are relying on that equipment to protect you. This is the glance to the shoe leading to the potential decision to polish it. It may be useful to refer back to Terminology: used n the context of Maintenance Contracts if not actually practised reference may be made to European Standard publication CEN 13306:2017 (E/F/D) “Maintenance: Maintenance Terminology” for clarification purposes. Get the team to identify the main gaps in the AS – IS compared to the … the failure modes are hidden. The operator must have depth understanding as well on the concept of deferred maintenance approach since its original/initial “positive” objective (e.g. The subject is very interesting. Typical maintenance theoretical statements. For further insight, feel free to read my article: That’s why I personally prefer a qualitative approach and then use a continuous improvement loop to enhance and optimise the PM program. My “outputs”: Material and work planning for the diesel plants and the dual purpose plant. It is essential to involve employees in the planning of strategy and direction for the organization. For your research, how about looking into how aviation maintenance & reliability practices can be brought in to industries like Oil & Gas? 1) ‘Maintenance Planning and Scheduling Handbook’ by Doc Dalmer. These are the 2 types which I am concerned about. This is what I call emergency maintenance. Good share Erick,at our site we clasify type of maintenance Proactive (PM,Pdm,Sca)maintenance and Reactive maintenance(emergency),PM we implement based on ,by time base equipment recomended,Pdm we implement by critical equipment mapping,Sca we implement by Work request and inspection. Timely construction planning down to the work package level 3.1 Managing Reference Data at One Place With an effective materials management system, all partners in the EPC project supply chain can manage all reference data in one location. When in fact, of course, all maintenance should be scheduled through our Weekly Schedule. Can I know what is the suitable type and strategies of maintenance for heritage building? CBM, PdM & PM. It is what you do when you are lazy in your personal life, or “want to optimize” maintenance in your professional life. Problem with page? What I have found with any form of maintenance, the names used on each site are based on what they consider the split, from an engineering perspective I find the following usually allow me to develop a full picture of the sites requirements Replacing large lube oil quantities is indeed expensive but so is a significant equipment failure, so tread carefully. That means when you execute Emergency Maintenance you typically have very low efficiency with additional time wasted looking for materials, organising access to the equipment, waiting on other trades etc. I will..Thanks a lot. This often leads to prolonged work hours. But it could be misleading in terms of classification of tasks. If one wanted to list out all maintenance tasks for a particular equipment, he would not be able to put 2 different lists. However, be careful with other random corrosion mechanisms like stress corrosion cracking which is not age-related and really needs to be designed out or managed through methods than time based PM. thank you. This can be fulfilled by building the adaptive mechanisms and proactively dealing with the environmental pressures and responding to the changing needs of the present times. You see, if you adopt run-to-failure for equipment that once it has failed must be restored immediately to have doomed your organisation to a reactive maintenance environment. Obviously TBM has an important part to play in any maintenance strategy and this is getting pushed out by the penny pinchers. Wrench time is basically the time your technicians are doing actual maintenance tasks so that excludes travel time, waiting time, time spent looking for parts and materials, time spent waiting for permits, time spent on breaks or meetings etc. Instead I always like to point out that non-age related failure modes are typically > 70% of the failure modes we need to manage. Preventive maintenance covers multiple types of maintenance that are used before a failure has occurred. Hi Jacob, thank you for your comment. Because it easier to note number of breakdown in one week, we use this for our maintenance priority. I limit the use of that phrase as for some reason people then jump to the conclusion that another maintenance is not scheduled. my question is : what kind of maintenance can i implement for long off standing LV motors in oil and gas field to keep the resources Hope this will help complement your nice work ! Involves no surveillance. Whether you should replace or repair/overhaul a complex asset would depend on factors like the cost of repair ve cost of replacement and whether you expect to get the same reliability and life out of a repaired asset vs a new asset. BR Thanks for sharing this informative and clear work. Don’t know which one yet! How many maintenance planners and schedulers do I need for this department? It can be continuous or not, can involve a tool/ device or not. I have to do better then this. If what I consider to be condition-based maintenance you call predictive maintenance that doesn’t really matter. Second is about Surveillance / monitoring tasks A good example would be something like general area lighting in an industrial plant where you will simply wait till you have a number of lights that have ailed and then you replace them. What is the world class target for emergency maintenance ratio? I am not saying anybody else is doing it in a wrong way. So far, I use time-based-maintenance for almost all equipment under my responsibility. I had faced many times discussions with Maintenance heads on which is their maintenance strategy, and it is very frustrating that we have to start from basics and jump into a maintenance strategy or philosophy to respond to the business or equipment requirements. When most people talk about preventive maintenance they really mean Time Based Maintenance which is a repair or replacement on a fixed interval irrespective of the condition of the equipment. Thank you heaps Erik. Your document is well presented, easy to understand, and useful for implementation. ( By Reliability ( weibull) Vs Cost) or there is a better way! Planning refers back to the maintenance planning & scheduling process so planning maintenance is about preparing the maintenance work so that is ready to execute. 2) Another useful book is ‘Maintenance Planning and Scheduling’ from Idcon Inc. We all have different ways and that’s totally fine. And because the consequence is low we can simply accept that general lighting is run to failure. And if that’s the case for you, you know what to do: get rid of it! before or after failure. What I can think of at the moment is that my “Inputs” are: “Process”: by applying a research problem solving methodology/ strategy. I’m fully agree with this discussion especially on this current Upstream O&G business situation where cost optimization (reduction?) The lowest level is afraid of losing the job, Middle-level managers do not want to take responsibility for themselves, and senior management has an understanding of maintenance at the car care level. The desired uptime target would depend on equipment, industry and what drives value for your business. Some good leading indicators would be Schedule Compliance, Percent of Emergency Work, PM/CM Ratio, Wrenchtime, hours of training per year per maintenance technician, number of RCAs completed or Percentage of RCA Actions completed on time etc. needs. Online training, coaching and consulting services in all aspects of Maintenance, Reliability and Asset Management. It’s important to realise that failure finding maintenance tasks do not prevent failure but simply detect it. I prefer to keep the planned and unplanned distinction for (corrective) maintenance to identify those maintenance tasks that have not been planned i.e. Inadequate equipment maintenance will impact to safety also, maintenance members and others. If you have a failure mode that is random in nature you would want to opt for a condition-based or predictive maintenance task so that you can see the potential failure coming closer and take action before the failure occurs. Condition monitoring maintenance, simply put, is this maintenance mode where some surveillance is preliminarily performed, with or without device, prior to intervention. Hi Tom, If during a PM you find a defect that will eventually lead to a failure then I would consider correcting that defect still a PM as you are still preventing the failure from occurring. Time-Based Maintenance refers to replacing or renewing an item to restore its reliability at a fixed time, interval or usage regardless of its condition. If I take your online planning and scheduling course, will I be able to answer all these questions and more? Which maintenance system softwares (CMMS, Work Planning, Work Scheduling) will be relevant to use? In fact, World Class organisations ensure that less than 2% of their total maintenance is Emergency Maintenance. “Monitoring” often has the connotation of something made continuously (which is not necessarily the case here), and also can give the impression there will be some physical monitor (screen) involved, which is not the case either. Most organisations do not have the dataset to make these evaluations. A guide for health and safety representatives Health and safety August 2010 Download Maintenance in the workplace guide [PDF]. All the preventative tasks have been grouped together and cannot be distinguished to see where the problem is…. Emergency Maintenance is the most expensive to conduct. It does not necessarily involves the use of a specific device, could be a simple glance to the wheel wear level, or a manual test of the latch resistance. Size of the market depends upon the sales potential rather than on the geographical areas. We have to think about principles, With this platform and the main classification is it before or after. Apply technical and maintenance experience to analysis of each job 5. In our day and age of quick returns on investment, modeling the success of others who have proven strategies is an efficacious means of I feel like plan-less… not knowing how to tackle this problem. Everyone needs to know how the maintenance work will be planned, scheduled and executed, and what they will do in the maintenance process. As long as we can sensibly talk about the underlying principles. Estimation of demand is, therefore, the first step in capacity planning. However, there are instances that a deliberate run-to-failure maintenance strategy is the right thing to do. Maintenance and reliability strategic review. You do not want to annoy them with too many interruptions, but somehow you must keep them involved in the process design and development so they know and understand the processes well and they will willing take them on as their own once they are implemented. Another example would be the replacement of a car wheel, that can be performed on a flat (failed) tyre or before the tyre gets too worn. As I already pointed out above Emergency Maintenance is expensive, various sources have suggested that Emergency Maintenance is 3 to 5 times as expensive as ‘normal’ preventive maintenance. Predictive maintenance is a form of preventive maintenance. Failure Finding Maintenance tasks are aimed at detecting hidden failures typically associated with protective functions. Understood that safety margin is an imaginary line, therefore the operator is oblige to set the applicable and acceptable scope, context and criteria of the operation parameter considering either common best practices or domestic proven experiences. 2. Thanks for your article. If you are testing e.g. Hi Moses, world-class target for Emergency Maintenance would be <2%. Planning needs a 360 degree approach. what is a proactive procedure that issued to achieve efficient maintenance activities in a building by minimizing the expenditure and optimizing the value derived. When the P-F interval is only a few days the resulting organisational and workplace actions are much like a breakdown and the value of CBM is largely lost. Planning is the synthesis of various forecasts—short-term or long-term, special or otherwise. could you please send me the book, the research paper, or the reference of your writing about types of maintenance and selecting the best strategy, I need to read about it more, so that i can cite it in my research … regards. Hi Erik, Thank you for the interested topic. The CLAIR (Clean, Lubricate, Adjust, Inspect and Repair) activities conducted under Autonomous Care are essentially a combination of the above strategies, but conducted on a higher frequency by frontline staff. Immediately download all the information that you need to know about best practice Maintenance Planning and Scheduling with our PowerPoint presentation from our 3-Day Maintenance Planning and Scheduling for Reliability training course PPT (PowerPoint) presentation available for purchase at the online store. This distinction is important for understanding, and it has the advantage of being “logical”. 3-Day Maintenance Planning and Scheduling for Reliability training course PPT (PowerPoint) presentation. It is important to realise that CBM as a maintenance strategy does not reduce the likelihood of a failure occurring through life-renewal, but instead is aimed at intervening before the failure occurs, on the premise that this is more economical and should have less of an impact on availability. Then for each box draw a high level conceptual flowchart that shows how your operation will deliver those particular inputs and outputs. Lube oil change out on a turbine with thousands of litres of oil is often best done on condition to ensure you get maximum life out of the oil. Present the group with an overview of how to execute maintenance using a best practice Maintenance Planning & Scheduling process. Hi Debo, thanks for your comment. I have been dealing with a system where they only classify into regular maintenance, non-critical issues and then critical issues. Mike Sondalini Managing Director Lifetime Reliability Solutions HQ. Appreciate your great explanation about this topic, actually I am a student in maintenance engineering master program and I am about to start doing my research in some thing related to topic, but I want you to help me in choosing a maintenance topic for my research, it would be great if it was in aviation maintenance, any other topics also good. This should be the starting point of your TO – BE process. where the consequence of failure is limited and would not necessitate a need for an urgent repair. Click this link to get free access to 14 hours of Plant Wellness Way videos. Click this link to download the free 299-page Plant and Equipment Wellness PDF book and templates on how to get world class reliable operating assets. Don’t forget that for a complex asset the overall failure pattern would most likely be random (see my article on the principles of modern maintenance) in which case time-based repair or renewal would not be an effective strategy. In fact, most of the company’s achievements can be attributed to careful planning. Neither. ADVERTISEMENTS: After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Thank you for the comment Eyadeh. This book covers the details of what occurs at the low levels of a planning and scheduling process. When not performed, the intervention is done “blindly”. and how the interval between the tasks is determined. A Run to Failure or Corrective Maintenance strategy only restores the function of an item after it has been allowed to fail. The following equations required specific and detailed answer, 1- Can u explain reliability vs PM And I think I was wrong. The above table of types of maintenance does not include Autonomous Maintenance or Autonomous Care (also referred to as Front Line Maintenance in other organisations). Outage planning: someone in this new department has to do this. prepared). Surveillance activities are usually less expensive and shorter to perform, then less expensive. smoke alarms it could be Failure Finding Maintenance, but if you are a visual inspection of building condition it could be Time Based Maintenance. So Emergency Maintenance is the one and only maintenance type that we really want to avoid as much as possible. Hi Erick Operations 1. No maintenance task can be issued without the person responsible for controlling workforce establishing that the work is to be carried out safely. All you PM’s are proactive in my view and where you have accepted a run to failure strategy I would even consider the resulting CM’s proactive as you have made a deliberate choice to allow that failure to happen (i.e. Preventive maintenance (or preventative maintenance) is basically a type of maintenance that is done at a regular interval while the equipment is still functioning with the objective of preventing failure or reducing the likelihood of failure. Thanks Engr.Erik, PM Apart from the regular interval approach (time based maintenance) there are also other types of maintenance that fall within the category of preventive maintenance: In the following paragraphs, I will explore each of these types of maintenance in more detail including when you should consider using them. So we need to order it to supplier and wait for part arrival. What you can do in some CMMS systems is to put a flag on the new work and mark it as follow-on work from a PM. At the top level, I see maintenance being either preventive or corrective: Preventive maintenance can be defined as “an equipment maintenance strategy based on replacing, or restoring, an asset at a fixed interval regardless of its condition. Render better service to operations by performing most important jobs first (as determined by operations) 4. Thanks. The process give us a good facility in offshore drilling over plateforms. Should a clear-cut split be made among all maintenance tasks, there would be 2 that are really distinct. CM It is based on the assumption that the failure is acceptable (i.e. They are the people who will be responsible to make the processes work, and you want them in future to willingly provide the necessary support and guidance to people in their maintenance groups. The most important thing you can do when planning a project is to get the rest of the team involved. Where do I begin? I have a query regarding ” what is Restorative maintenance in hardware and software”? For failure modes where the P-F interval shows a large variability, condition monitoring is not an effective strategy. They all merge into a single programme and act as a guide for the whole concern. We apply preventive maintenance by 80% of our maintenance job 3- Long lead delivery spare part vs CM. All Rights Reserved. Quickly build an EAM system that ensures a lifetime of world class reliability and utmost operating profits from outstandingly reliable operating assets. Preventive maintenance should always be planned (i.e. Depending on the quantities of oil involved and the potential replacement costs, it might be worth to hire an external specialist to help with this and develop a long term strategy. But in my view with the advent of Artificial Intelligence, much lower costs of equipment sensors (IIoT) and machine learning there is clearly a difference appearing between Predictive Maintenance (PDM) and Condition Based Maintenance (CBM), at least in my view. every 150 cycles, every 10,000hrs or like your car: service every 10,000km. Staff engagement generates additional input and helps build their commitment to the end plan. There quite a few ways to measures reliability as a performance metric, but I often recommend the use of uptime as a relatively simple metric that is easy to measure and understand. The only time you should be conducting unplanned maintenance is when you have a high priority work request that comes in and is so urgent that you break into the Frozen Weekly Schedule to complete the work without going through the normal planning & scheduling process. You can buy and download all the information that you need to know about best practice Maintenance Planning and Scheduling with the PowerPoint presentation from our 3-Day Maintenance Planning and Scheduling for Reliability training course PPT (PowerPoint) presentation available for purchase at the online store. It must be emphasized, however, that this is the author’s preferred interpretation of these terms, and should not necessarily be taken as gospel tr… https://www.chsservices.com/post/the-future-of-maintenance, Hi Erik, Not prevent failure but simply detect it ” objective ( e.g to polish it can accept., of course, will I be able to answer all these questions and more controlling workforce that... Enterprise Asset Management for World Class reliability and utmost operating profits from outstandingly reliable operating assets work,. Inputs and outputs weibull ) vs cost ) or there is a type of preventive maintenance online... 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