The best way, I find, to do this is to dip it into hot water until the edges melt slightly. The animal fat from cows especially, is often just tossed aside as trash by commercial or “backyard” butchers. Lard begins to smoke at 370 degrees F but tallow does not hit its smoke point until heated to roughly 400 degrees F. The higher the smoke point, the more foods that ingredient can be used to create. This stock tallow fat will last in your refrigerator for 8 weeks or more. Usually, beef animals (cows in particular), hang longer than hogs after they are slaughtered. This type of rendered animal fat is 50 percent saturated fat, 42% monounsaturated fat and 4% polyunsaturated fat. The raw fat you will need to render tallow (or lard and schmaltz) must be disattached from the connective tissue before it can be processed and used as a cooking oil or in any type of survival supply use or product. Photo Credit "Tallow is an excellent source of niacin, vitamins B6, B12, K2, selenium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and … I used to use olive oil for most of my sauteing. Bear fat is most commonly referred to as “bear grease.”. Some folks claim this same process will help if bitten by a snack, but I cannot personally attest to having ever tried using tallow for such a medical emergency. Grassfed beef tallow contains high ratio of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) which is a cancer-resistant agent. Historically, beef tallow was used as a key ingredient in skincare concoctions … Store tallow in Mason jars or similar airtight containers that are not too large to be used up in a relatively short amount of time. 2) Mixing solid tallow in 5% solution of naoh for 24 hours, then washing it with Nacl at 60celcius, then filter it 3) Dezodorizing putting tallow in … The tallow rendering process is simple, fairly quick, and does not require the purchase of any expensive or hard to find kitchen tools. Tallow and lard both have their uses in soap making and cooking. During the second hour the medium pieces of beef animal fat have really cooked down, and created a lot more liquid in the pot. Copyright 2021 The Cooking Geek - All Rights reserved. Here you will find all of my stock recipes and you can check those out if you would like more detailed instructions. You are left with as perfectly clean rendered fat as you can get, making it at home. A lot of people make the mistake of discarding the fat, thinking that it is unhealthy  and that there is no use for it anyway. Never pour hot tallow into a cold or wet Mason jar or similar glass container – this will often cause the glass to crack or the tallow to splash everywhere. However, if yours doesn't, you'll need to remove as much meat as possible from the fat and then dice the fat into little bits or toss it in the food processor for a quick whirl. Lard is the rendered fat from hogs. Check the suet before putting it into the machine to make sure no pieces of meat are still attached – cut away any that you may find. (4) Another common question is how tallow is different from lard. It will have a longer shelf life the cleaner it is, but I tend to store it in the freezer, so this is not an issue for me. I will never SPAM you. Use a knife to scrape clean the brown loose gelatinous fat from underneath. Don’t trash the brown scrapings you just removed (will last for 2 week in the refrigerator) instead add the scrapings to gravys, steaks, etc. To condition leather footwear, outerwear, horse tack, etc. Economical, tallow is widely used in commercial soap making. The tallow will make the leather items far more moisture resistant. Tallow I rendered five years ago has still not gone rancid. Because all of the rendering can be rather rough on the cast iron pot, I keep one set aside just for this task, and to use as a double boiler for herbal remedy making. It will end up evaporating itself out) Set the crockpot on low and let it go for about an hour. Check the ingredients for sodium tallowate, which is a fancy way of saying saponified tallow. You will notice how much more “soup”- or oil-like the beef animal fat looks at about hour three. Some folks prefer to use a manual potato masher than a wooden or metal spoon at this point to mush up the now softened beef animal fat to help it get to and through the melting stage. It may take between five to seven hours to render the suet into tallow. Step 11. Tallow (Rendered Beef Fat) has been a dominant soap making fat for centuries, it makes a nice white bar with good lacy lather. Cooked the buffalo tallow a second, then third time, and the texture hardened a slight but, but it is still not nearly as hard as I … Also, if you use cast iron skillets, nothing seasons them better. As a machinery lubricant or natural alternative to motor oil. Rub gently onto blisters to help them heal. There is no approximately half a pound of beef animal fat being rendered in the photo above. Although prices vary by location and season, if suet is offered for sale, the price should range between roughly $.50 to $1 per pound. As an active ingredient in biodiesel fuel recipes to replace all or some of plant matter called for in a recipe. Apply to insect stings and bits to reduce swelling and help draw out spider venom. Now dip them back into the tallow, holding them in the tallow for a few seconds. Sometimes, if you get lucky, a rural grocery store or a similar niche shop that supplies items for herbalists, Paleo, and keto diets, may have suet for sale. It is very easy to separate, however, there is still stock and impurities sticking to it. Come morning, you will have jars full of snow white and solidified tallow that is ready to either use or store. The only thing that would degrade it is if you let it get very hot repeatedly. To remove makeup – including grease paints used in camo face paint. I am using a spoon to gently lift the fat off of the congealed stock. Your email address will not be published. Rub the tallow onto cracked heels and hands to treat dry and cracked skin. Contrary to the popular conception, tallow is good for health as tallow fat is similar to the fat/muscles in the heart. So from 4 pounds of suet, you got about half jar of tallow? It also improves shelf life. It’s also used in artisan soap and candle making. If the stored tallow becomes overly solidified from being exposed to cold temperatures, simply place the Mason jar in a pan of hot water for roughly 25 to 30 minutes to soften it. However, this isn’t necessary; it just makes the process go faster. Weigh the water in a heat safe container or sturdy plastic bucket, and weigh lye … Then when you turn it over onto a plate, it will easily slide out. As a substitute for mustache wax or beard balm. See recipes for Broccoli and Bison Tallow, Succotash Labor Day 2020 too. Step 8. Step 2. When making beef stock, you first roast the bones. The time frame truly depends upon how much of the beef animal fat you are rendering. Always inspect the golden liquid being strained into a clean bowl or pot before pouring it into the Mason jars: The residue in this tallow must be strained away again to prevent it from going into the storage jars and possibly causing bacteria to grow – which will make the rendered beef animal fat turn rancid. Turn the heat on LOW and place the lid on the cook pot. So, I prepared this article while making Beef Stock. If using a slow cooker, turn the temperature on to "low". So, put all of the fat into a pot and heat it gently on a very low heat, just until it melts. It will also dry out your skin. If you have enough, you can also use it to deep fry, and you will have the best results you have ever had. Because I am doing more than 50 pounds of tallow rendering at once, I did not take the time to cut each potful into small chunks. Tallow is an excellent source of niacin, vitamins B6, B12, K2, selenium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and riboflavin. Step 7. Combine equal parts tallow and baking soda and use it as a deodorant. It is important not to let the heat get too high, or else you will lessen the quality of the fat. Tallow? As long as either tallow or lard are kept in airtight containers like Mason jars, oxidation should not occur and the animal fat will still be safe to use: Tallow is composed significantly from triglycerides, which help the human body better absorb nutrients and minerals – like calcium. These two staples get purchased, and used often at my house. Ask your butcher to run the fat through a grinder for you, or run it through a food processor. One the the many benefits of making your own meat stocks is all the wonderful fat rendered during the process. Sometimes, if you merely ask for some suet (or raw pig fat) he or she will likely be glad to give it to you just get it out of the road. Pigs are such fatty creatures, even the fat under the skin could be used to make lard – but it takes a lot of work to dislodge it and getting the back fat is a far easier project. Step 3. If you are not fortunate enough to live on your prepper retreat or survival homestead and keep your own livestock, all is not lost. As a shelf stable base ingredient for pemmican. Both lend themselves to a hard, long-lasting bar of soap, stable lather, and low cleansing — which means it will not strip the skin. In this post, you will learn the benefits of beef tallows, how to render tallow… Tallow and lard are enjoying a comeback in the kitchen thanks to increasing awareness of the health benefits of nutrient-rich traditional fats. Vitamin D (though not as much as lard from hogs that were not commercially raised). The answer is that lard is rendered in the exact same way as tallow, but it’s derived from pork and has a different nutrient profile. I honestly do not know the true shelf life, but some say it keeps for years. Scrub with the lemon juice and salt and it will remove most if not all the unpleasant smell. You can store this slab of cleaned fat in the refrigerator for weeks and cut off little bits as you need it. By entering your e-mail you consent to subscribe to my newsletter. Then pop out the tallow. Step 9. But the goal of this process is to almost completely rid the fat of moisture, because having a little stock clinging to the fat will cause it to sputter when heated, and impurities (mainly little bits of protein and possibly vegetables left after straining the stock). Just make some eggs with rendered fat and you will wonder how you ever did without. Your email address will not be published. Therefor the fat that I am producing today is known as beef tallow. People are afraid of fat because they incorrectly assume that fat “makes you fat” or that saturated fat clogs your arteries. The cubes come out very easily, just like ice cubes. During roasting a lot of fat is rendered from the marrow. Strain other fat and transfer the liquid to the pot. Now, you  can definitely simply peel this off and use it as is, and I do that sometimes. Beef cattle also have fat under the skin, but not such a thick wall of it like on a hog. Add fresh water and salt (the same amount as last time), and set the crockpot to low. Add about 1 tablespoon of salt for every pound of fat. Allow the tallow to cool. Now I can grab a cube whenever I want to cook something, or season my cast iron skillets. The tallow starts to harden almost instantly after it is poured into a Mason jar, even though it is incredibly hot coming out of the cook pot. When you choose to render the beef animal fat in this manner you must check the rendering progress, and stir far more often than you would by following the directions below that call for chunking the suet. You may choose to keep the roasting fat and stock fat separate so that you have at least some close to totally pure tallow. the best way to keep it is by vacuum sealing the fat or tallow making sure it is absolutely clean and dry. Both tallow and lard were once popular kitchen staples, but after they got a bad rap from the health food industry, it is nearly impossible to find either of these cooking, baking, and survival staples on grocery store shelves. During the rendering process, the animal’s connective tissue is warmed up only gently, so the fat is turned into a liquid temporarily, and melts out and away from the fibrous tissue. Suet is the unrendered fat that is used to make tallow. You will get the best idea on the progress after stirring because the fat cooks down from the bottom first. Now I simply fill ice cube trays with the tallow and freeze it. Scrape the brown places off so that you’re left with only white tallow. This is about three pounds of suet or beef animal fat, in a 4-gallon cast iron pot. Clarifying the fat for clean tallow. The Elk tallow hardened as expected, but the Buffalo tallow is only semi-hard (for lack of a better term). Tallow contains the following micronutrients: If the ruminant animal the suet is taken from to render into lard was commercially raised on soy and corn, the animal fat will not contain as high of a percentage of beneficial fatty acids as the same wild or farm-raised animals. After the finished stock is strained and chilled, it will have a solid layer of fat on top. I used my wooden spoon to chunk off two small to medium sized pieces of fat from the large chunks in the cast iron pot and added them to this pot. Wash your body with regular salt, lemon juice and water if you have gotten the tallow smell onto your skin. As a greasing agent for firearms or gun oil. To make sausage – especially when using deer meat. This, some speculate, may even help explain the growing obesity problems in the world. These rendered animal fats actually enjoy many of the benefits of coconut oil, including being heat stable and suitable for cooking at high temperatures. Rendered 50 pounds of Elk fat and Buffalo fat this weekend. That way there is no question whether or not it has gone off. Some people even keep it at room temperature, but I would not choose this option. Weigh tallow, coconut oil, and olive oil, and put into a crockpot on high, or a pot on the stove on low heat. I prefer to use cast iron for tallow and lard rendering. I am not going to get all preachy here, but I just want to mention that the latest research into saturated fats, including animal fats, is showing again and again that we, as a society in the western world, have had the wrong ideas about fat. Using cold fat, trim it well of any meat, gristle, etc., and cut it into small pieces. It is a personal preference thing. Keep the glass container at room temperature or sterilize it at around 200 degrees in your oven, as you would when canning, pulling a jar out only when you are ready to pour the rendered beef animal fat. Add 1/4 cup of water to the bottom of a crock potand add the cut up pork fat. Tallow purists will argue that the tallow must be totally clean and pure white, but I am not bothered by a little bit of yellow tint. Although tallow is recommended to only be stored for 12 to 18 months in an airtight container in a cool, dry, and dark place, many preppers actually rave that suet they have rendered into tallow has lasted for years. Use this time to clean out the crock pot. Tallow is semi-soft beef fat that’s great for high heat frying as it remains very stable under hot temperature and imparts a good flavor. Once you have only a pot of tallow and cracklins, use a fine mesh strainer or a lined typical kitchen colander to drain the liquid into a fresh pot – collecting the cracklins in the top to either sprinkle with salt and other seasonings to fry or pitch. Place the suet in a large cook pot. I always try to use up an opened jar of tallow within 12 months to 18 years if it is going to be used in food preparation. This substance is what creates that scorched look and taste to burnt food. Or you can engage in the process the old-fashioned way… in a cast iron cauldron over an open flame outdoors. Putting a date on the tallow will help you (or others if you do not happen to survive the SHTF event) remember exactly when the tallow was rendered. All this melting and solidifying is not harming the fat, by the way. I will continue to cut or wriggle off pieces of the large chunks and add them to the stainless steel pot to keep the process moving along quickly. The only reliable way to create a reliable stockpile of this highly versatile preparedness resource is to make your own. This is what the rendering process looks like at roughly 35 minutes in. You especially want the fat to be very clean if you are going to use it for seasoning cast iron cookware, as leftover stock clinging to the fat will become a sticky film that will negate your efforts to season your pans. Chunk up the beef animal fat with a knife or use a food processor to complete this step more quickly. In fact, most folks already have the few items needed in a cabinet in their kitchen. Now that you have flipped the fat upside down onto a plate, all of the impurities are visible on top. Beef tallow, chicken and turkey schmaltz, and lard, are some of the most common rendered fats that Americans will work with, but you can make stock and rendered fat out of pretty much any kind of meat (and bones). It’s great for your skin. I like to play it very safe by freezing it. I achieve the quickest results when using the cast iron, but doing so does require more stirring to prevent scorching because the pot holds so much more heat than a stainless steel or enamel one. I just really wanted to say these things because I think that animal fat is so important not only for health, but in cooking in general. Is it about a pint? Let's Season Your Cast Iron (with Tallow! So I simply melt the fat again, at low heat. With your fingers scoop out some of your whipped tallow facial cleanser and gently rub/melt it onto your face. The reason there are two missing and the pits look a little messy is because I needed some tallow before it was totally solid, so I scraped some out while it was in a semi liquid state. Invert the bowl over your kitchen sink (the water you added to the fat has separated and will splash all over the place.) To make soap – especially when using goat milk as a base. Adding color to melted tallow does not work as well, and will give a dull color. Once the fat is completely liquid and the cracklings have sunk to the bottom, cool the pot to blood heat. Schmaltz is a different kind of animal fat entirely, and it comes from chicken. Tallow vs. Lard . It produces evenly distributed heat, adds iron to your food, and is beautifully non-stick, not to mention it lasts (basically) forever. Once it solidifies you want to cleanly remove it from the pot. There will be a noticeable smell during hours three and four, but nothing that will run you out of the kitchen. As a substitute for mustache wax or beard balm. You may use vinegar in place of the lemon juice. This is a big mistake. … Because of the increased hanging time, the fat layer just beneath the skin is usually left in place to help prevent both moisture, and oxygen loss. In fact, most soap bought commercially is made with tallow. It mostly smells like you have been frying meat for a really long time. The “sodium” comes from sodium hydroxide (lye) and the “tallowate” is the tallow. Lift the lid occasionally and give the beef animal fat a stir and check on how it is melting down for 60 minutes. Then, the entire mixture is placed into a container to cool. Cover your entire face with a light layer, massaging lightly. This fibrous material should not be wasted. This delicious snack made from animal fat is probably far more healthy a treat than likely anything you would find in a vending machine. As long as you take care of it.I will say though that… 8. If it is frozen, or if you froze the home butchered suet yourself until you garnered enough to make a big batch of tallow, allowing it to thaw completely at room temperature before starting the rendering process. Add a tablespoon or so of tallow to both human and animal meals to infuse more nutrients and calories into the dish to boost energy. Combine equal parts tallow and baking soda and use it as a deodorant. Spoon off the liquid fat into a clean clean pot that is 1/3 rd full of hot water. Rendering tallow and preserving it will allow you to create a valuable multi-purpose prep that can last for many months – even longer than a year on the shelf. Step 4. 1) Bleaching with natural bentonite, mixing 2% of bentonite with tallow at 70 Celcius for 30 minutes, then filter it. When tallow has hardened into a solid state, its texture is very much akin to that of butter. Next, put the tallow back into the crockpot. Unlike suet, both tallow and lard can be stored without refrigeration for long periods of time without turning rancid. For other uses, it is worth taking into account that lard tends to be much softer at room temperature than tallow. This is a medium sized chunk of beef animal fat that weighs only a few ounces. With all natural ingredients, it’s gentle enough to double as a facial moisturizer too. … Let the Mason jars or similar airtight containers and allow it to cool at room temperature overnight. Step 1: Directions for rendering tallow for your tallow balm. Become rancid there will be a noticeable smell during hours three and four but. Integral part of your whipped tallow facial cleanser and gently rub/melt it onto your skin old-fashioned way… in a safe. These two staples get purchased, and used often at my house the tallow cracked. 35 minutes in with tallow reliable way to create a candle wax like on... 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